Ipswich awarded £442,000 from Safer Street Funds

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Maple Park in Ipswich was revamped in 2019 as part of a £350,000 project. Photo credit: Ipswich Borough Council.

In short: Ipswich Borough Council was awarded nearly half a million pounds by the government’s Safer Streets Fund to help reduce crime in the area surrounding Maple Park and make people feel safer.

How the funds will be used: The £442,000 awarded to the council will fund improvements will including better CCTV – more cameras as well as improving sight-lines; alley-gating that will prevent access to the backs of house and flats; improving currently unused space to make it feel owned and used by the local community and better street-lighting.

There will also be regular surveys of people’s perceptions of the success of these measures and other community-building initiatives.

Councillor Alasdair Ross, Ipswich Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Community Protection said: "I'm very pleased that we will now be able to introduce changes that will make life better for those living in Maple Park through winning this money. There will not just be less crime but also the fear of this will be reduced."

"It’s a great win - and more than any other council in the East of England – and the council has won because of the work of the residents put into this bid. It’s a victory for us all,” added Ross.

The news has also been welcomed by residents of the area. "It is fantastic to see that the Council have obtained this funding which will go to improving the safety of the residents in the neighbourhood and those visiting," said Ann Clarke, Treasurer of the Friends of Maple Park residents group. "Increased security measures and better lighting will be really appreciated by the community." 

Ipswich is one of 40 areas of England and Wales to receive a total of £18.3million following successful bids to the Home Office. Minister for Safeguarding Victoria Atkins said: "We want this fund to help the police and local councils ensure that our streets are safe for everyone.”

In 2019, Ipswich Borough Council spent £350,000 to revitalise a rundown, tired playground in the heart of Maple Park to help make it a hub for the community and to create a safe place for children to play and families to meet up.


Ash Read

Ash Read

Editor, Ipswich


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