Ipswich Borough Council

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Ipswich is the county town of Suffolk with a population of around 140,000. Ipswich Borough Council looks after all major council services within the town boundaries including refuse collection, housing and planning, with Suffolk County Council providing services such as transport, education and social services.

Ipswich Borough Council has 48 Councillors across the 16 wards of Ipswich, with each ward having three Councillors as their elected representatives.

The current political make-up of the Council is: 30 Labour, 15 Conservative and 3 Liberal Democrats.

  • Ipswich awarded £442,000 from Safer Street Funds

    Maple Park in Ipswich was revamped in 2019 as part of a £350,000 project. Photo credit: Ipswich Borough Council.

    In short: Ipswich Borough Council was awarded nearly half a million pounds by the government’s Safer Streets Fund to help reduce crime in the area surrounding Maple Park and make people feel safer.

    Ash Read

    Ash Read

    Editor, Ipswich


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